Sunday, April 1, 2007

Cultural Revolution

The Chinese Cultural Revolution took place between the years of 1966 and was officially ended in the year of 1969, although some consider the revolution to continue on till 1976. It was started by Chairman Mao Zedong and the goal of it was to try and rid China of it’s "liberal bourgeoisie”, but many feel that it was a way to try and regain control of the party.
The Period of the Revolution was a time of anarchy; the people of China and the political party were both put into a position of turmoil. The Peoples Republic of China was adopted on the June 27, 1981, and in their documentation it is said that Mao Zedong was misguided and lead the Cultural Revolution, Mao is to blame for everything.
The Cultural Revolution was a dark time in the history of China and was due to the misguided ways of Chairman Mao Zedong. China in my opinion is still recovering from this major blow, and to this day cannot unite as one country.

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