Saturday, March 31, 2007

P.E.Q. Response

My family has really played an important role in the person that I am today. I just recently saw a video in Biology that was discussing weather we are who we are because of our DNA or the way that we are raised. There is an argument that is going on between scientists about this certain subject and there is evidence to support both sides.
Although I am not a scientist I think that my DNA did play a part into making me the person that I am today. Yet the care and nurture that I received when I was a baby till now is also a very important part in the way that I have matured. I am one of the people who believe that both our DNA and nurture are very important parts of who we grow up to be.
There is a certain part of us that we cannot control, things that have already been set for us just by chance. We are taught a lot of things from our parents and others who took care of us in our youth and to this day. Everyone in my family is very close and we see each other every Sunday at my grandmothers’ house where we eat dinner together and catch up on the week.
I am the person that I am today partly because of my DNA but also because of the nurture that my family showed to me. If I was just thrown by the way side and totally forgotten about I am positive that I would not be the same person that I am today.

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