Saturday, March 31, 2007

P.E.Q. Response

While still trying to answer the question who am I? I decided to look at the things that I liked to do. Ever since I can remember I always enjoyed playing sports. I started playing soccer around the age of eight and I still enjoy the sport to this day. I also used to play basketball, golf, and tennis. I have since had to make some decisions because there was no possible way to keep up all of these sports and my school work. Currently I just finished the soccer season for Punahou and am now trying out track for the first time.
I think that by playing these sports I am continually learning more and more about myself. Soccer is a team sport and that is something that I really enjoy, being apart of a team is something like no other. This year especially we as a team bonded and worked together so well we were able to win the J.V. title for our Punahou. Being apart of a team teaches me many important lessons that help me to succeed in my life. Teamwork and compromise are only a few values that are really exemplified in soccer and other team sports.
Track is a sport that I am trying for the first time this year. Just on the first day of practice it has taught me that trying something new, something that I have always had a hard time with, can turn out pretty good. Track so far has been a surprise and in a good way, I thought that it would be kind of boring but it has turned out to be a lot of fun and very exciting. Track is an individual sport and that aspect is something that I have had to make and adjustment too. I have learned a lot about how to show dedication and because of that I have been able to work hard and push myself to the limits.
Sports had taught me a lot about how to handle different situations in my life. The lessons that I learned in sports have carried over into my academics and everyday life and have really helped me to mature into the person that I am today.

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