Thursday, March 1, 2007

Personal Essential Question Response

As I had said before in my previous response, I think that by breaking my life down into the roles that I play and the things that I have to do I will be able to better understand who I am. The role that I play as a friend is something that I continually work on and look at. In order to have good friends I myself must be one, by having this state of mind I hope to continue to become a better and better friend to my peers. I myself am a very social able person and I really enjoy the company of others rather than being by myself and solitary.
My close friends have come to know me as someone who really also likes to have a good time. I enjoy like some of my other friends being the life of the party, the person who really just goes a little crazy and makes everything just that much more fun. My friend Bryan who has had to move to Japan had a going away party and it was a lot of fun! Bryan, Cory, and I all really close and kind of stupid made the most of our last night together. We did everything that we could to make my friend Bryan's last night the most memorable one of all.
I am also the kind of friend that will try his hardest to keep in touch no matter how hard it may be. So with my friend Bryan going to Japan this made it a little more difficult for me and him to keep in touch with each other. So we found a way to talk over the internet for little or no money at all. This way we could call each other and not have to worry about the cost of talking. I can't wait until he comes back during spring break and we will finally be able to have some real fun, and reunite our entire close group of friends. I can only imagine how much fun we are going to have with each other since we haven’t all see each other for months.
My friends are very important to me and I hate losing a close friend, and will not lose one with out putting up a fight. This just goes to show that I am someone who really will fight hard for someone or something that I believe in.

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