Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Personal Essential Question Response

"Who am I?"
Trying to answer this question has never been an easy thing for me to do. I think that by dissecting all of the things that I do, and the roles that I play is a good way of starting to find out who I am.
The role that I play as an athlete is one of the more enjoyable ones in my life right now. I have always enjoyed being active and engaging in some thing rather than just sitting around. This is not to say that I am not one who enjoys sitting in front of the T.V. every once in a while, but I am also someone who enjoys exerting myself physically once in a while. I just finished play soccer for Punahou and I just couldn't see myself not doing anything, so I am currently running track. Track is something that I have never done before and I thought that I would give it a try this year. Since I am experiencing so many new things, such as high school and all of the things that come with it, I decided that since these things have turned out so well for me why not keep an open mind and give track a try.
So far track has been a lot better than I expected, it is actually a lot of fun and something that I look forward to doing after going through a hard day of school. I am right now trying out sprinting and since that has worked out for me well the head coach, Pavich has asked me to do hurdles. I gave hurdles a try and it is actually kind of fun, so once again trying something new has paid off for me. Although my sprint coach wants me to pick one or the other right now I am ok with just trying out both, and making a decision after I have given both an equal chance.
Trying out new things for a change has taught me to always have an open mind and not close myself off to things that are unfamiliar or new. This is a valuable lesson that I need to always remember, it has also shed a little light on the question "Who am I?”. By trying new things I may even find out about strengths that I would not otherwise have known about.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Family Story

With my family there is never a dull moment, there is always something going on. Between the four of us in the family we are always experiencing one thing or another, weather it playing sports, going on a trip, or getting a crazy present that is bound to cause something to go wrong. We always find a way to make our lives and stories just all that much better. The story that I will be talking about is when we did get that crazy present one year for my brothers and my Christmas present, it was an A.T.V.! Usually I have some idea of what I am going to get for Christmas, but that year I was totally wrong. On Christmas morning when we all got up to open our presents we saw that my mom and dad had given us a booklet and a key. At first I didn't know what to think, was it a book? Then with a closer look I saw that it was a key to some kind of vehicle, with my mom adding in "This was your fathers’ idea." I knew that it was going to be an awesome present. So after eating lunch with my family my dad and uncle took our truck to my uncles’ house and brought back an A.T.V.! My out of town cousins, uncles and aunties, mom and dad, and of course my brother and I all took a test drive on our new A.T.V. and it was awesome!
So after ridding it around our house for a while we my cousins, dad, brother, and I took the A.T.V. into Roosevelt and rode it on these hills in the back of Roosevelt. This thing was awesome it went up to 40 M.P.H., but it didn't have the best turning capabilities.
In every family there is that one person who always just seems to get injured, their just accident prone. In my family this is my Brother Alex, he has had a concussion, surgery, and two broken arms, all before he was 11. So being the daredevil that he naturally is he wants to try and ride down the largest and narrowest hill while still trying to gas it. So we saw him coming down and just as we think he is going to make it we see him hit a patch of rocks, as he tries to turn out we watch as the A.T.V. does a 360 degree flip in the air and lands on the side of the hill. Amazingly as we rush to my brother he doesn't have one scratch on him, the A.T.V. on the other hand is not in running order and we would later have to make some adjustments to get it back in ride able condition.
This story is just one of many that our family has to talk about whenever we see each other. Since we are all still doing crazy things and never learn, I doubt that we will ever run out of things to talk about at our family gatherings.

Friday, February 23, 2007


T rack is something new, like this blog that I have just set up for English. Track is also something that I am experimenting with, as with my blog I am bound to learn something new that didn’t know before.

R unning is something that is therapeutic; it is one of those things that I do to forget about my problems. With this Blog I hope to do the same, except rather than forget about what is going on, or what might be bothering me, I can now put it down and express a little more about myself to others.

E veryone has an unanswered question that they have, one that they just can’t figure out. Mine is: “Who am I?” it’s a very broad question and it is open to interpretation, with my Blog I hope to find interesting ways of answering my personal question.

V egetarian is the last thing that I would be! My favorite food is Steak! And I know that I couldn’t live without it. I respect the person who can go without eating meat because of their values for animals but I myself am not one of those people with that kind of strong will power.

O ur world is a place of chaos right now. In my life time I have seen the Twin Towers blown up and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It seems to me that we can’t figure out our problems without violence. I don’t know if we will be able to fix the problems of today by the time I die, or if we will just leave our mistakes for the next generation.

R est and relaxation is something that is slowly fading away. With the demands of school and sports I find less and less time to just sit back and relax. These two things are vital to the success in academics and athletics, and we need to try to take advantage of them when we have the chance.

As someone who never really knows about what’s going on, how am I going to answer the question "Who am I?"? One of the tools that I have now is a personal Blogger that I have set up for myself. This Blogger is a really good way for me to try and express who I am, with the internet, something that I have been around my whole life. My personal Blogger is a very unique opportunity for me to experiment with. Since I’m not the best person with technology this will be a challenge for me to learn all of the little tricks to make my Blog something that really represents me.