Sunday, May 6, 2007

Acts One and Two

In acts one and two of the book "A Midsummer’s Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare there was a lot of stuff going on. In act one scene one there was really a fight going on between everyone. Egeus who is the father of Hermia was complaining to Theseus that his daughter was being corrupted and turned against him be a man named Lysander. Egues wants his daughter to marry a man named Demetrius who he likes but Hermia doesn’t love Demetrius rather Lysander. So Theseus talks to Hermia and tells her about what she should do, marry Demetrius or be faced with a death by her father or live alone and become a nun. Demetrius, Egeus, and Lysander all start to argue about Hermia and who she should be with. Later Lysander and Hermia are together and see Helena who they start to talk to and they both tell Helena that they are planning to run away. This something that Helena likes to hear because she likes Demetrius and wants to be with him.
In act two there are a group of actors that are going to act in the wedding of the duke and duchess and they are all trying to figure out their parts in the play. Bottom who is an actor is very arrogant and decides that he can do everything him self but that doesn’t bode well with everyone else and therefore he is just given the part of Pyramus. Pyramus is one of the main characters who kills him self nobly for love. Quince another one of the actors is cast as the woman character Thisbe and he isn’t too happy about it. He doesn’t want to do it but later comes around to just accepting the job that he was given. The rest of the actors Flute, Snout, and Snug are all given parts to do in the play that is going to be put on in the wedding of the Duke and Duchess. The actors are then all told to meet in the Duke’s forest a mile out of town where they won’t be bothered by crowds and where their secret plot won’t be reveled.

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