Friday, May 11, 2007

Summary Act 3 Scene 2

In act 3 scene 2 there was turmoil between everyone in the story, it started first with Hermia and Demetrius. Hermia was worried about Lysander and accused Demetrius of doing something to him, hurting him and anyway. This is of course not what happened, Lysander was gone because he was anointed with the nectar of a flower that made him fall madly in love with Helena. Hermia then lets up for a while and then the scene moves into both Lysander and Demetrius flirting with Helena. This doesn't work out well for either of them because Helena thinks that they are both mocking her and starts to get very aggravated. Helena and Hermia both start to get into a fight about the love of Lysander. Hermia feels that Helena has stolen Lysander and the love that he had for her, of course Helena has no idea what is going she still thinks that this is a big joke, that they are all trying to play on her. Lysander and Demetrius then go off into the forest where Robin plays tricks on them and mix up each other’s voices so that they sound like each other. This then tires Lysander out and he falls asleep, this is what Robin wanted so that he could fix the mess that he created with Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia, and Helena. Robin anoints Lysander’s eyes with something else to reverse the affects of the nectar that he put in the first time.

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