Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Summary Act 3 Scene 1

In act three scene one all of the actors come together to practice their performance that they are to perform for the Duke and Duchess at their wedding. When Robin makes a noise in the bushes Bottom goes to check out what he heard and where the noise came from. The rest of the actors continue practicing and when Bottom comes back he scares all of them, with his new form. Robin had changed Bottoms head into that of a donkey and because of this his fellow actors are in shock and scared of him. Later Bottom starts to sing to show he will not give up his part and awakens Titania and as soon as she gazes upon him she is captivated with love for him, since Bottom was the first one that she saw. So Titania then calls upon here fairy servants to introduce themselves to Bottom and tells them to take good care of him, feed him and give him anything that he wants. Titania then tells Bottom that she is the fairy that controls the summer and will turn him into a spirit like her so that he will not have to die as a mortal. She also tells him that he can never leave her and she will be with him and he shall be with her for their lives because she loves. Although the love that Titania feel for bottom is only the effects of the nectar that Oberon put into her eyes while she slept.

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