Monday, May 14, 2007

Summary Act 4 Scene 1

In act four, scene one all of the mistakes and wrong doings are made right. Titania and Bottom are in the forest when Titania calls for her servants to get Bottom anything that he wants and needs. Bottom likes how everyone is paying attention to him. After Bottom has his fun with the fairies he says that he is tired and wants to go to sleep, so Titania says that he can sleep on her, she then sends her fairy servants away. Oberon and Puck are very happy with how their plan has turned out. Oberon tells Puck that he talked to Titania and told her that he would undo the love spell that he put on her if she would give him the child that he has always wanted, and she agrees. So Oberon then undoes the love potion and Titania awakens and is surprised to see that she is sleeping with a donkey. Oberon then calls for music so that he can dance with his queen; he then leaves to dance with her. After Oberon and Titania leave, Puck undoes the spell on Bottom and returns his head to normal.
Inside of the forest in the morning Theseus, Hippolyta, and Egeus are walking and find Hermia, Lysander, Helena, and Demetrius sleeping together. They call for their servants to play something and they all wake up, Theseus, Hippolyta, and Egeus immediately demand for an explanation about what went on and what is going on. After they hear the stories of Hermia, Lysander, Helena, and Demetrius they find out that Lysander loves Hermia and Demetrius loves Helena, everything is the way that is should be. Although Egeus is upset that Demetrius doesn’t love Hermia and Hermia doesn’t love Demetrius he decides that there is nothing that he can do about it and forgets about it. Theseus then tells the two couples to come to the temple for a wedding feast, so they all leave and go with each other to the temple. Bottom then awakens and says that he has just had the most amazing dream. He then decides that he will have Peter Quince write a ballad about the amazing dream that he had the last night, one that he will perform after the play for the Dukes and Duchess’s wedding.

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