Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Summary Act:2 Scene:1&2

In scenes one and two of act two we read about the fairies that controlled the lives of the mortals which is a lot like the way the gods in "The Odyssey" controlled the lives of the mortals. The Fairies like the Gods in "The Odyssey" also fight about things and by doing this they affect the lives of the mortals that they have power over.
In scene one of act two the fairy meets Robin who is a mischievous henchman of Oberon that goes around making trouble for everyone. They start to talk and they both say that their king and queen are coming, Oberon and Titania. When Titania Oberon come and sees each other they start to argue about a child that Titania was given, but Oberon wants. Oberon wants to make the child into his sidekick but Titania would not have anything to do with this and would not give the child up because she was given the child and was asked to look over him. Since Oberon cannot get what he wants he devises a plan to get Titania to forget about the baby so that he can take him from her. So he sends Robin around the world to go and look for a flower with magical nectar, which makes you fall in love. Oberon also sees how Helena is being treated so terribly by Demetrius, the man she loves so he tells Robin to go and put the nectar in his eyes to so that he will love and treat Helena better.
In scene two the fairies sing Titania to sleep so that Oberon can put the nectar into her eyes and make her fall in love with a beast. Robin then anoints Lysander the wrong person with the nectar, because of this when Helena awakens Lysander he immediately falls in love with her and for gets all about Hermia. Lysander immediately starts to court Helena because he now cannot hold himself away from her, as he does this Helena thinks that he is mocking he and gets very upset. While all of this is happening Hermia awakens and finds Lysander to be gone and she panics, immediately she starts go search for her lover that is missing.

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