Monday, May 14, 2007

Summary Act 4 Scene 1

In act four, scene one all of the mistakes and wrong doings are made right. Titania and Bottom are in the forest when Titania calls for her servants to get Bottom anything that he wants and needs. Bottom likes how everyone is paying attention to him. After Bottom has his fun with the fairies he says that he is tired and wants to go to sleep, so Titania says that he can sleep on her, she then sends her fairy servants away. Oberon and Puck are very happy with how their plan has turned out. Oberon tells Puck that he talked to Titania and told her that he would undo the love spell that he put on her if she would give him the child that he has always wanted, and she agrees. So Oberon then undoes the love potion and Titania awakens and is surprised to see that she is sleeping with a donkey. Oberon then calls for music so that he can dance with his queen; he then leaves to dance with her. After Oberon and Titania leave, Puck undoes the spell on Bottom and returns his head to normal.
Inside of the forest in the morning Theseus, Hippolyta, and Egeus are walking and find Hermia, Lysander, Helena, and Demetrius sleeping together. They call for their servants to play something and they all wake up, Theseus, Hippolyta, and Egeus immediately demand for an explanation about what went on and what is going on. After they hear the stories of Hermia, Lysander, Helena, and Demetrius they find out that Lysander loves Hermia and Demetrius loves Helena, everything is the way that is should be. Although Egeus is upset that Demetrius doesn’t love Hermia and Hermia doesn’t love Demetrius he decides that there is nothing that he can do about it and forgets about it. Theseus then tells the two couples to come to the temple for a wedding feast, so they all leave and go with each other to the temple. Bottom then awakens and says that he has just had the most amazing dream. He then decides that he will have Peter Quince write a ballad about the amazing dream that he had the last night, one that he will perform after the play for the Dukes and Duchess’s wedding.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Summary Act 3 Scene 2

In act 3 scene 2 there was turmoil between everyone in the story, it started first with Hermia and Demetrius. Hermia was worried about Lysander and accused Demetrius of doing something to him, hurting him and anyway. This is of course not what happened, Lysander was gone because he was anointed with the nectar of a flower that made him fall madly in love with Helena. Hermia then lets up for a while and then the scene moves into both Lysander and Demetrius flirting with Helena. This doesn't work out well for either of them because Helena thinks that they are both mocking her and starts to get very aggravated. Helena and Hermia both start to get into a fight about the love of Lysander. Hermia feels that Helena has stolen Lysander and the love that he had for her, of course Helena has no idea what is going she still thinks that this is a big joke, that they are all trying to play on her. Lysander and Demetrius then go off into the forest where Robin plays tricks on them and mix up each other’s voices so that they sound like each other. This then tires Lysander out and he falls asleep, this is what Robin wanted so that he could fix the mess that he created with Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia, and Helena. Robin anoints Lysander’s eyes with something else to reverse the affects of the nectar that he put in the first time.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Summary Act 3 Scene 1

In act three scene one all of the actors come together to practice their performance that they are to perform for the Duke and Duchess at their wedding. When Robin makes a noise in the bushes Bottom goes to check out what he heard and where the noise came from. The rest of the actors continue practicing and when Bottom comes back he scares all of them, with his new form. Robin had changed Bottoms head into that of a donkey and because of this his fellow actors are in shock and scared of him. Later Bottom starts to sing to show he will not give up his part and awakens Titania and as soon as she gazes upon him she is captivated with love for him, since Bottom was the first one that she saw. So Titania then calls upon here fairy servants to introduce themselves to Bottom and tells them to take good care of him, feed him and give him anything that he wants. Titania then tells Bottom that she is the fairy that controls the summer and will turn him into a spirit like her so that he will not have to die as a mortal. She also tells him that he can never leave her and she will be with him and he shall be with her for their lives because she loves. Although the love that Titania feel for bottom is only the effects of the nectar that Oberon put into her eyes while she slept.

Summary Act:2 Scene:1&2

In scenes one and two of act two we read about the fairies that controlled the lives of the mortals which is a lot like the way the gods in "The Odyssey" controlled the lives of the mortals. The Fairies like the Gods in "The Odyssey" also fight about things and by doing this they affect the lives of the mortals that they have power over.
In scene one of act two the fairy meets Robin who is a mischievous henchman of Oberon that goes around making trouble for everyone. They start to talk and they both say that their king and queen are coming, Oberon and Titania. When Titania Oberon come and sees each other they start to argue about a child that Titania was given, but Oberon wants. Oberon wants to make the child into his sidekick but Titania would not have anything to do with this and would not give the child up because she was given the child and was asked to look over him. Since Oberon cannot get what he wants he devises a plan to get Titania to forget about the baby so that he can take him from her. So he sends Robin around the world to go and look for a flower with magical nectar, which makes you fall in love. Oberon also sees how Helena is being treated so terribly by Demetrius, the man she loves so he tells Robin to go and put the nectar in his eyes to so that he will love and treat Helena better.
In scene two the fairies sing Titania to sleep so that Oberon can put the nectar into her eyes and make her fall in love with a beast. Robin then anoints Lysander the wrong person with the nectar, because of this when Helena awakens Lysander he immediately falls in love with her and for gets all about Hermia. Lysander immediately starts to court Helena because he now cannot hold himself away from her, as he does this Helena thinks that he is mocking he and gets very upset. While all of this is happening Hermia awakens and finds Lysander to be gone and she panics, immediately she starts go search for her lover that is missing.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Acts One and Two

In acts one and two of the book "A Midsummer’s Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare there was a lot of stuff going on. In act one scene one there was really a fight going on between everyone. Egeus who is the father of Hermia was complaining to Theseus that his daughter was being corrupted and turned against him be a man named Lysander. Egues wants his daughter to marry a man named Demetrius who he likes but Hermia doesn’t love Demetrius rather Lysander. So Theseus talks to Hermia and tells her about what she should do, marry Demetrius or be faced with a death by her father or live alone and become a nun. Demetrius, Egeus, and Lysander all start to argue about Hermia and who she should be with. Later Lysander and Hermia are together and see Helena who they start to talk to and they both tell Helena that they are planning to run away. This something that Helena likes to hear because she likes Demetrius and wants to be with him.
In act two there are a group of actors that are going to act in the wedding of the duke and duchess and they are all trying to figure out their parts in the play. Bottom who is an actor is very arrogant and decides that he can do everything him self but that doesn’t bode well with everyone else and therefore he is just given the part of Pyramus. Pyramus is one of the main characters who kills him self nobly for love. Quince another one of the actors is cast as the woman character Thisbe and he isn’t too happy about it. He doesn’t want to do it but later comes around to just accepting the job that he was given. The rest of the actors Flute, Snout, and Snug are all given parts to do in the play that is going to be put on in the wedding of the Duke and Duchess. The actors are then all told to meet in the Duke’s forest a mile out of town where they won’t be bothered by crowds and where their secret plot won’t be reveled.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Cultural Revolution

The Chinese Cultural Revolution took place between the years of 1966 and was officially ended in the year of 1969, although some consider the revolution to continue on till 1976. It was started by Chairman Mao Zedong and the goal of it was to try and rid China of it’s "liberal bourgeoisie”, but many feel that it was a way to try and regain control of the party.
The Period of the Revolution was a time of anarchy; the people of China and the political party were both put into a position of turmoil. The Peoples Republic of China was adopted on the June 27, 1981, and in their documentation it is said that Mao Zedong was misguided and lead the Cultural Revolution, Mao is to blame for everything.
The Cultural Revolution was a dark time in the history of China and was due to the misguided ways of Chairman Mao Zedong. China in my opinion is still recovering from this major blow, and to this day cannot unite as one country.